Launch Campaign
Social Media Content
Art Direction
Video Direction
A Helping Hand
In Ramadan 2020, we all faced a situation we never thought of before. During what used to be a season of togetherness, we were forced to spend time apart from friends and family. To lift people’s spirits and spread positivity, AIA created a campaign named Sehat untuk Bersama or Healthiness for Everyone.
The campaign is done in collaboration with Empire Fit Club, a boutique fitness facility who shared healthy living tips in Instagram stories. Sehat untuk Bersama encourages the audience to share healthy living activities that everyone can do at home. By posting a healthy activity in Instagram with the hashtag #SehatUntukBersama and mentioning AIA Indonesia, you donated IDR50.000 in the form of personal protective equipment for Indonesia’s health workers.
Because every positive act will be multiplied, the donation amount is doubled shortly after the campaign started to IDR100.000 per post. Elbert Tiwa and Stanley Rahendra, the founder and coach of Empire Fit Club also participated in a virtual workout session in an Instagram live with AIA. Each participation of the Instagram live also donates money with different amounts; IDR100.000 by joining, IDR200.000 for asking a question, and IDR400.000 for working out. By the end, the campaign managed to raise IDR514.900.000 from a total of 4.433 participations.